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Uses and Gratifications theory

What are Uses and Gratifications theory?

Uses and gratifications theory is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs.

-It is an audience-centered approach to understanding mass communications

Blumler & Katz 1974

Blumler & Kat's uses and gratifications theory proposes that media consumers contribute and have role in the media.

-Their UGT suggests that media users contribute and have an active role in the media.

The user has 4 simple needs

-Diversion-the need to relax and escape

-Personal Relationships-using media to fulfill their personal relationship with friends or becoming part of a social group

-Personality identity-using media to find more about yourselves

-Surveillance-using the media to find out what is going on around us,keep updates,trendy

The theory can simply be summarised as:




4.Social Interaction

5.Relating to characters and Situations

3 other audience uses and gratifications

  • Visceral - (A physical or emotional response) e.g. using colour

  • Vicarious - (Experiencing something through someone else) e.g. Hardcore Henry

  • Voyeuristic - (‘Spying’ on other people) eg. Rear Window

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