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Is the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over another.It is the way in which those in power maintain their control.

Concept of Hegemony


Improper use of authority,economic power,physical force,etc. To compel another to submit to the wishes of its wielder.

Its uses the army,the police,prisons and courts of the capitalist state to force other classes to accept its role.


To give assent or approval.

It uses the media and values to persuade the subordinate class that its rule is legitimate (lawful/justified).


Hegemony has a massive impact on what is portrayed


The propaganda shows how America is dominating the whole world,in terms leadership as the bigger fish representing The USA is about to swallow the smaller fish representing the whole world.The little fish having no clue of its situation suggesting that the whole world is slowly getting controlled by the USA without knowing it.

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