Media Institution
An organisation or establishment founded for a specific purpose.This could be dedicated to education,public service or culture.
Example: institution that produces Inception is Legendary Pictures;institution that distributes Inception is Warner Brothers.
A company whose controlling interest is owned by another company.
Ex: Legendary Ent. is a subsidiary of Wanda Group.
Discrete part of a company that may operate under the same name and legal responsibility but focuses on a specific different service or product.
Ex: legendary Pictures is division of Legendary Entertainment.
An institution made up of a number of different companies that operate in a range of mediums.
Ex: The Conglomerate that own Legendary films and other subsidiary companies is Wanda group.
Demographic information is used in media marketing to classify an audience into age, gender, race and other categories.
The Institution Power Pyramid
Legendary Entertainment-subsidiary
Legendary Pictures
Inception-media product
Target Audience/Demographics
The first castrody to war is
The Role Institution Plays In Producing "Inception" & "Whiplash"
Evaluating the role institutions play in producing films using Inception and (case study) whiplash?
Inception and Whiplash are produced by different films production companies but follow a similar a path in terms of how institution affects them.Whiplash is produced by Blumhouse productions and Inception is produced by Legendary Pictures. The Legendary Pictures is a division of Legendary Ent. while the Blumhouse Production is private company. Universal has a 10 year first look deal with the Blumhouse production.Legendary Ent. is a subsidiary and is owned by the Wanda group (Chinese conglomerate) controlled by Jianlin Wang. Universal Pictures is also considered as a subsidiary and is owned Comcast through the Universal Filmed Entertainment Group division of its wholly owned subsidiary NBCUniversal.Comcast is then owned by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Comcast corporation,Brian L. Roberts.
In the end you kind of get the idea in terms of this similarity between the importance of institutions in media/producing films and how power are actually controlled from the upper person if you follow the paths of ownership.Profits could be distributed around but, firms in higher rank which owns the production company might be the ones that earns most.This suggests the idea that several films may be created by different directors and in different genres,However, the money will still be passed on to the same group of people.Consumers may feel like they have a choice but actually there may not be that many.
Is the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over another.It is the way in which those in power maintain their control.
Concept of Hegemony
Improper use of authority,economic power,physical force,etc. To compel another to submit to the wishes of its wielder.
Its uses the army,the police,prisons and courts of the capitalist state to force other classes to accept its role.
To give assent or approval.
It uses the media and values to persuade the subordinate class that its rule is legitimate (lawful/justified).
Hegemony has a massive impact on what is portrayed
The propaganda shows how America is dominating the whole world,in terms leadership as the bigger fish representing The USA is about to swallow the smaller fish representing the whole world.The little fish having no clue of its situation suggesting that the whole world is slowly getting controlled by the USA without knowing it.
How Media Helps To reinforce Hegemony? Ex: "2012"
The film 2012 reinforces hegemony with the ideology that money is power. With money many things can be done and you also earn priorities allowing better status and rewards. During the film there are many scenes that implies how money can be used to set you away from others for instance,ordering people to do something by offering a large amount of money.The ending highlights the fact that only people with large sums of money will be able to earn seats on the ship in other words be able to survive. Several scenes gradually suggests the idea of inequality existing in the world which fits to the real life environment where there’s hierarchical system dominating the society we live in.The movie , however, often shows these idea that hierarchy can be destroyed when chaos happens and rules are no longer there ,people aiming to survive and willing to whatever things with no boundaries.
A world view,a system of values attitudes and beliefs which an individual, group or society holds to be true or important these are shared by a culture or society about how that society should function.
Eg. western magazines bears little to no relation to the measurements of the majority of western women.
Dominant ideologies
Ideologies that are told to us repeatedly by important social institutions such as church,,government and media.
Ideologies or beliefs that we live in by in our day-to-day lives and often do not question-They have become ‘natural,common sense’ things to do.This effectively dissuades people from rebelling against theses beliefs and keeps a sense of stability in society.
Antonio Gramsci Theory
Dominant ideology is designed to help those in power to control society.
Cultural Hegemony
Serves the interests of the power bloc(ruling class), and perpetuates their dominance over the rest of society.(gratifications,illusion of choice)
counter-Analyse,evaluate information / form an opinion when it comes to your mind
Capitalism plays a big role in today’s society because it’s the economic system in which we live in can highly affect how we’re going to make our media product.Researching on capitalism can help us produce films in a wider aspects as the society we live in is a capitalists society.
Capitalism is the idea that of one small group of people(the rich/capitalists) earning money from the working class/larger group of people.
An economic system in which the means of production of goods or services are privately owned operated for a profit.
The 4 keys characteristics of capitalism
1.Business capital is privately owned
2.Buyers and sellers control the economy
3.Free-will to spend money
4.Minimal government supervison
i.e.The hanmaid’s tale
Trickle Down Economics
Term used to describe the belief that if high income earners gain an increase in salary ,then everyone in the economy will benefit as their increased income and wealth filter through to all sections in society.
Trickle down economics is important to media cause without people will not be able to watch media.
Noam Chomsky
Individual Material Gain (IMG)
This also links to the idea of one group dominating everything(elite priviliged) like the institution eg.Wonda group.These group of people has one aim which is money/profit and earns them by exploiting on poor people/inflicting the idea that they are doing good things.
The accumulation of wealth assets, celebrity or fame by one person.
EG. Catch me if you can,8 Miles,In Time,Limitless,The Great gatsby, The Wolf of Wall streets.
Suicidal hint opening
Many people view starting
Coffee shop
Midnight in Paris
Capitalism point
-Assets + resources privately owned
-Individual Material Gain
Explain using precise examples how films reflect the capitalist system in which we live?
Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production of goods or services are privately owned operated for a profit.It plays a vital role in today’s society in which we live in and can highly affect how we’re going to make our media product.One of the characteristics of capitalism is that assets and resources are privately owned by one individual suggesting the idea of dominant ideologies.In “The Wolf Of Wall street” some aspects of the movie represents the negative capitalism idea where one company dominates the whole stock markets and at the same time the positive where the main character started by nothing and rising to the top by his own efforts.This shows the aim to of human nature to conquer and owns everything as long as it leads to their own benefits or creating profits.Jordan's action in the movie also represents and links in as an example with the idea of Individual Material Gain (IMG) as well with one elite priviliged group like an institution in the Wolf of wall street trying to dominating most of the stock market on its own.